
Showing posts from May, 2015

Next Week in Micro Enterprise WorldWide Collaborators Group on LinkedIn - Mobile & EOF Technologies

Next Week in Micro Enterprise WorldWide Collaborators Group on LinkedIn - Mobile & EOF Technologies Eco Campuses are integrating mobile reach and frequency platforms for economic reach, research, and conservation.  Integrating SMS and EOF into the growing 80% plus mobile phone penetration. Why Eco-Agri Collaborative Communications and Data?  Why communications and data? Delivering real-time capabilities!    Coming Next Week. Eco Agri & Renewables Collaboratives - Eco Impact Zones Join in the targeted working capital collaborations, assisting local populations to be more capable of utilizing working capital, introducing new incomes from Eco sector development.

The Growth of Micro Economic Corridors

Eco Industries - Holistic Eco Campuses The developing eco industries and holistic eco campuses! A significant change? ...minimizing environmental impact and,  ...developing eco grids of micro economic corridors. Think "Bamboo" (renewable grasses) - another important contributor to success of holistic Eco-Agri and Renewable Capital Collaborations. Developing eco grids of micro economic corridors! Growing the Eco-oriented corridors - from 1,000 acres to 1,000 square kilometers - the  Paradigm of Collaborative Capital Model development is happening.  Collaborative like-minded entrepreneurs and private eco industries are working to stimulate market possibilities where no markets existed before. Collaborative Capital Models enhance access to development for friendly, under-served countries and compliment, rather than displace, the Macro capital forms of funding for global small enterprise development. Eco-impact zones are developing Alternative work...