Stimulating Entrepreneurs and Small Enterprise versus Politicians Creating Jobs - Small Enterprise Ideas MyLymanBlogspot

Enabling Entrepreneurs and Small Enterprise versus Politicians Creating Jobs - Small Enterprise Ideas MyLymanBlogspot The Mantra? Jobs, jobs, jobs... You can almost imagine one would believe that innovation, or advances in technology, new or working business models all ceased when the U.S. and other Nations Banks and stock markets tanked this year! Could it be? Could this year of tolled the death knoll for entrepreneurism? Could Google, the IPOD and Kindall be the last of entrepreneurism? Or, might the Political efforts, under the ill-conceived notion that Government can create jobs, be the single issue gagging job growth while exponentially raising U.S. Debt ?! U.S. Politicians in majority , in both the U.S. House and Senate, as well as the Executive Branch are all in a tizzy and dithering with ..."just how do Politicians create jobs? " Their ideological namesake in the era of the depression, FDR, tried to create jobs by growing Government, that is. So, it's n...