Small Enterprise Ideas - Rethinking Sustainable Micro Enterprise Development Micro Enterprise WorldWide Collaborators

Think formation of Eco-Oriented Continuous-Enterprise-Development-Zones

Developing the Micro Enterprise Alternative Paradigm to completion by Year 2020, Micro Enterprise WorldWide Collaborators are significantly active and moving forward in connecting newly developed, rural and urban Eco-oriented continuous-enterprise-development-zones.

Rethinking sustainable micro enterprise farmers/landowners in new era development - participating, private, semi-philanthropic teams introduce competitive wage base-lining, and sufficient economic scale to compensate newly trained, elite eco trained workforces of independent contractors.  

Introducing proper economic scale in Rural or Urban Collaborative Capital Model development, enhances sustainability by ensuring local and regional economic ability to consume products or services of the micro enterprise development and to reach into other economically vibrant, Micro Enterprise Collaborative Zones through Alternative Trade Route development.

Empowering each participating zone in the semi-philanthropic collaborative development of new era industries, workforces, and alternative micro enterprise ports - introducing new zones of economic trade for each of the developing Eco Impact Zones.

Zone Review and Consideration Phases will continue as Impact Zone enablement for under-served, friendly Frontier markets of are advancing the "Rethinking of Sustainable Micro Enterprise Development," in the Zones of Micro Enterprise WorldWide Collaborators.

There are Alternatives, Changing the Paradigm in Favor of Micro Enterprise

New Routes of Trade combined with targeted Innovative and Holistic Private Commerce Modeling are forging the completion of the WorldWide Grid of Alternative Micro and Small Enterprise Farmers/Landowners discovering Trade and Commerce Zones through the employment of private, semi-philanthropic collaboration of holistic eco-collaborative-development.

Friendly Frontier markets seeking new era Rural and Urban development enter the Eco Impact Zones, where Entrepreneur and Small Enterprise Trade Zones are developing holistic Eco oriented facilities as part of the many renewables making up an Eco-Agri Collaborative.

The Impact Zones - Eco Impact Zones is clear, by initiating semi-philanthropic collaborations of Eco Impact Zones and assembling the strength of Small Enterprise, new era rural and urban Eco-oriented infrastructures enable total enterprise development enhancing access to capital and reconfiguring the costs of capital through the Paradigm for enterprise development and the continuous possibilities of working capital semi-philanthropic collaborations of Micro Enterprise WorldWide Collaborators!

The Collaborations of provide a total zone economic impact build-out - tailored to assist the Eco zone, area and region by enhancing options for the development of complimenting Eco oriented industries, holistically formed, and Eco Impact Zones - extending reach to new markets, complimented by locality and structure - a key element of successful and sustainable enterprise development.

Enabling under-served markets, and collaborative development from the micro to micro, and micro to macro, whether rural or urban, to include micro economic collaborative capital models are bringing change and alternatives to private, micro and small enterprise alternative Eco-industry development.

Semi-philanthropic, eco-development collaborations are offered to maximize working capital and broaden as well as deepen the co-financing base.

Collaborative Engagements benefit the Zones by increasing the number of commercial lenders and new co-financing structures into the enterprise-oriented countries and developing Eco Impact Zones of micro economic corridors.

Circling the Globe in the Gathering are potential development in under-served, friendly Frontier Markets

Emerging Friendly Frontier Market Micro Economic Corridor Candidates Include
Uruguay, Albania, Peru, Kenya, Ghana, BiH, Kosovo, Croatia, PNG, Sri Lanka

What enterprise industries are in the developing Eco Impact Zones?

Tailoring Core Eco Sectors, Ecopreneurs combine with Micro/Small Farmers/Landowners fostering Micro Enterprise Eco-oriented Development of Eco Campuses and Eco Impact Zones?

Holistic Eco-industial Zones of Empowerment - Eco-Agri and Renewables Collaboratives- Fisheries,  Solar, Hydro, Natural Gas Collaboratives, Trade and Transport Modality!

Plug In and Join the Zones of Enterprise Enablement Collaborate
Plug in to the Gathering of Micro Enterprise WorldWide Collaborators on LinkedIn

South America - Eastern Europe - East African Countries - Asia Pacific Plus

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