Changing the Paradigm in Favor of Micro Enterprise - Join Us!

There are Alternatives, Changing the Paradigm in Favor of Micro Enterprise - Join Us! New Routes of Trade combined with targeted Innovative and Holistic Private Commerce Modeling are forging the completion of the WorldWide Grid of Alternative Micro and Small Enterprise Farmers/Landowners -join us in discovering Trade and Commerce through the employment of private, semi-philanthropic collaboration of holistic eco-collaborative-capital-development. Friendly Frontier markets seeking new era Rural and Urban development? Enter the Eco Impact Zones, where Entrepreneur and Small Enterprise Trade Zones are developing holistic Eco oriented facilities as part of the many renewables making up an Eco-Agri Collaborative. The Impact Zones - Eco Impact Zones paradigm is clear - by initiating semi-philanthropic collaborations of Eco Impact Zones and assembling the strength of Small Enterprise Farmers/Landowners of under-served, friendly Frontier markets, a new era comes for rural...