The Change in Urban and Rural Development comes in the Form of Eco Impact Zones and Eco-Agri & Renewables - from the ground up, the New Era

Composed of All Eco Components

Plug-In to Eco Impact Zones

Of Eco Impact Zones – Eco-Agri and Renewables - 
Collaborative Capital Models

Gathering in this alternative or change in Rural or Urban Development are - Ecopreneurs, semi-philanthropics, independent sector Executives  - and turning on the micro economic corridors through Collaborative enablement.

Collaborating with micro/small farmers and landowners of under-served, Friendly frontier markets and building infrastructure, new eco industries, new era workforces, and reach through the micro economic corridors to the value chains of the future - now more and more are paying attention to the arrival of Eco Impact Zone and Eco-Agri Collaborative Capital Enablement.

Collaborators are assembling, designing, building, operating, training, and transferring “holistic” sector composition, new Eco industries, new Eco workforces, modality ports, and adding value in capital enablement.

Building and funding multi-Eco-industries into sustainable - major Rural or Urban empowerment zones – brings a major change in standard industry import and single and/or few sectors and workforces.

By invitation, participants of the Collaborative join together with micro/small farmers, landowners and organize collaborative land leases preserving ownership of previous lesser value, degraded lands. 

Once formed through “in-country” private invitation,  the Micro Enterprise WorldWide Collaborators assemble to formulate:

-       -  organization, locality, modality, and best product selection, application of advanced technologies and securities

-       -  best Eco-commercial selection and use of structures “in-country,” extensive classroom and on-the-job-training in all Eco sector workforce operations enabling high-yield, sustainable crop production of soilless and soiled long-term and short-term products

-        - upward mobility the primary Eco-Agri Energy Renewables creates economic enablement, new Eco trained, advanced workforces and the remaining components of an Eco Impact Zone.

Eco Impact Zones and Eco-Agri & Renewable “Holisitic” Composition request Best Commercial Application Selections of Sector Production to Include:  Production of short-term products that may be housed in “Agri/AquaPonic-Growing-Units (AGUs)” for implementation of “AquaPonic,” or “Hydroponic” organic and climate controlled product production. 

Participating micro farm owners and landowners can reduce old farming techniques harmful and less productive for their community and environment – for most Eco-Agri & Renewables Collaborative Capital Model  Aquaponics or Hydroponics may represent the bulk of the short-term production of products to include Fisheries or Fishery-Nursery-Units (FNUs) providing nutrients for AGUs and commercialization of natural-feed, closed system Fish or fingerlings - from selected fisheries to 365-day-year closed system, aquaponic of large varieties of vegetables and fruits.  This short-term production is referred to as “soilless” production.

Production of Eco friendly renewable Timber bamboos to the provision of Credit Union and Medical Facilities are just Sector components extending the Eco Impact of holistic eco impact zone development. 

With the assistance of collaborating consultants and in exchange for proportional preferred shares, micro farmers unite in limited invitation to form the New Era of Micro Business Farming and in building viable, sustainable and technologically advanced farming enterprises through implementation of complimentary and essential complimentary Eco Energy, Modality – Shipping and Logistics, Trade. 

Even technologies add Value Chain and Market Reach:  The addition of electronic reach through the internet and SMS communications will enhance invitation market access to the Collaborative private commodities products. 

Local and Regional Impact?

The success of Eco Impact Zone Collaboratives will enable further local and regional development from Eco infrastructure’s initial development - introduction of working capital - additional development of lateral and vertical market access through inclusion of all viable land/air/sea/train ports for modality – makes the vital element of “just-in-time” delivery to market complete the value chain with higher quality and frequent reach.  Aiding in areas surrounding Eco Campuses, Eco Impact Zones provide enhanced access to energy and wifi communications available from each Eco Impact  Zone providing first-world opportunities through each Collaborative commerciality of excess Renewable Energy and available bandwidths.

This prospective Collaborative could offer high-yield, organic controlled AquaPonic/Hydroponic products, through both short-term and long-term product harvest cycles, first to markets within 900 kilometers of the Collaborative approximate 1,000 to 3,000 acres’ location.

Eco Impact Zones enable reach and frequency of valuable Eco foods, energies, eco-oriented industries – changing the way of thinking – developing and funding from the ground up – Plug In!

Just What Your Under-Served Micro Enterprise Collaboration May Look Like?

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