Iranian Regime's Own Holocaust - Watch Force Majeure
Iranian Regime's Own Holocaust - Watch Force Majeure What Hitler was to the World, the Islamic Regime of Iran is equally so! From a humanitarian perspective to a business perspective, the time to act is now! During the early periods of the 20th Century a fervor of hate spiraled from the Third Reich while most of Europe, the USA and the World slept. Isolationism, a nauseous taste from World War I, and a sleeping society of cultural elites from of all places such as Norway (Nobel Country and home to Dynamite) all lead to the absolutism of "it will get better," and "they aren't really killing all those people." Once again, just like the failed League of Nations, the World and the United Nations sleeps and watches the onset of a lingering World War; the difference this time? Nuclear War. What sanctimonious European countries are still doing business with Iran? What "bad boys" on the block are still causing trouble? What wacko dictators are part o...