Demand A WorldWide Grid Portal for Socio/Business Networking

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Demand A WorldWide Grid Portal for Socio/Business Networking - the paradigm shift in favor of home business, entrepreneurs, and small to medium enterprises, associations and members! Group, Internationals and founders of soon to be launched

Perhaps the Group’s soon-to-be-launched may provide the best offering of a ‘socio/business’ global, commerce capable, community grid and deliver this platform at the forefront in development and delivery.

But, why are matured networking sites still thinking about it?

Social networkers and business networkers demand abilities to share, buy and sell products and services across a global network, to create working capital with a pay-as-you-go capability and to seek and investigate viable opportunities for an international footprint in emerging networks and business markets. A WorldWide Grid Portal connects like-business to like-business, allows the development of relationships, technology and commerce and pay-as-you-go global business portal commerce.

The challenge of the best of association, business, or social networking sites is that most are quickly associated with niche membership less interested in commerce capabilities and arguably more interested in providing an internal, closed social or business niche community rather than designing a full global portal combining social and business networking across all markets in a worldwide commerce grid portal.

Whether a home based business, entrepreneur, a successful small to medium enterprise, industry association or its membership – most are demanding access to a global grid of various business and social networking relationships where most will:

Advance A Virtual Presence to maximize a global, people-to-people business Network!

Network a Business Opportunity representing the best of Culture and Commerce!

Brand your Brand!

And, Create Working Capital Opportunities and Strategic Opportunities within your Network!

Evolving New Market Opportunities! A global hiccup in commerce and its impact on big business allows technology available to home, entrepreneur, small business, its associations and members to evolve new market opportunities.

Entrepreneurs and Small to Medium Enterprises Have A Better Opportunity Than Ever To “Globalize” Their Business. This phenomenon of Socio/Business Networking communities provide the ability to reach, virtually next door to networked partners in new markets and to discover as well as deliver immediate products and services on an ecommerce, pay-as-you-go, global portal.

A paradigm shift in favor of home business, entrepreneurs, small to medium enterprises and associations (and members), demands true global, social and business networking platforms, creating networking and commerce capabilities, with additions to including chatting, webmeeting, commerce web platform for subscribing platform members.

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