Big Business Closings Puts Home and Small Enterprise in Lead

Big Business Closings Puts Home and Small Enterprise in Lead
Small Enterprises entering 2009 have the advantage over big business models as store closings make small business models better. From Department Stores to High Tech Electronic storefronts, from large corporate offices to strip malls store fronts are closing and massively unloading inventory.
Rating agencies, like Moody's, valued IPO's and financial business models as the most sound in 2008 and prior. As the bell tolls for those reading the rating agency meters, small enterprise models built from the ground up are outshining and bursting into the On-Line market.
A small enterprise? Take one model. Small Enterprise start up, required self design, letter authorizations, and small inventory caps. With the cost of inventory lower and little to no operating costs, novel sports clothing apparel can launch products on-line and reach greater audiences without fear of collapsing storefronts.
High tech, low cost answers abound in 2009, small enterprises can join socio/business networking groups and utilize e-commerce and e-infrastructure to reach into the global e-commerce sphere.
2009 rings in the new paradigm for financial success with international footprints, just a little help from your social or business network put Big Business Closings at a continued disadvantage to Small Enterprises and the new ratings/rankings can be found at
For Small Enterprise Research, Incubation, Development or Launch, seek out philanthropic or small fee for service entities...need to get started? Join Group for free!