Harry Reid U.S. Politics Small Enterprise Views The Kids On Capital Hill

Add to Technorati FavoritesHarry Reid U.S. Politics Small Enterprise Views The Kids On Capital Hill

As 2009 Rings the Bell for the start of a new year for small enterprise, Government led by Senator Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi conduct business like kids on Capital Hill. From racial arguments within the Democratic Party and corruption allegations throughout the Democratic Party and indictments expected, U.S. Politics is as organized as a general collective discussing life on Facebook.

Billions of dollars needed for large banking institutions, insurance institutions, auto institutions, auto-labor institutions and now bailout billions for broken, Democratically controlled States? No problem, according to Reid and Pelosi. Meanwhile, small enterprises creep along on a pay-as-you-go basis and fear the next facebook discussion amongst Democractic leadership that create further imbalance of business and justice for most entrepreneurs trying to be competitive against Government backed competition.

Once there was a fear of international businesses competing against the heavy labor, large business institutions of the U.S., now? Now, there is fear from small enterprises having to compete against Government backed, U.S. large business and large labor organizations. Like kids on Facebook, Harry Reid U.S. Politics and matron Nancy Pelosi, will continue to handout dollars to small enterprise competition and will stagnate small enterprise growth for the term of their leadership.

While control of Government remains in the hands of leadership who have little conception of small enterprise competition, small enterprises should plan their business growth by small business models of pay-as-you-go commerce.

Small Enterprises and Entrepreneurs from around the Globe can compete against the U.S. Democratic, Facebook leadership by organizing both culturally and commercially on socio/business platforms - pay-as-you-go! For more information, register for free at WRLyman.com Group.

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