Nothing But Net for Small Enterprise Development

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Small Enterprise Development via the "Net" (Internet and platforms) provides the ideal business model for small enterprise development. Large businesses are clamoring for the Internet Door, beefing up their brands and spreading them across social networks. Would you believe large corporations are breeding on social networks like Facebook or perhaps setting up their own industry social networks. Take Northrup Grumman and its new socio/business web platform.

As these giants try to re-vitalize commercialization of products and services, small enterprise development can oust big business with small business models. With pay-as-you-go as the guide for small enterprise growth, socio/business networks allow small enterprise development with "nothing but net." Enhancing business incubation, brand testing, commercializing of products and services, socio/business networks provide the small enterprise with both passive and active business growth opportunities and creating opportunities for international footprints.

Nothing But Net! Small Enterprise Development...for more information visit the Group and go 2020.

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