Small Enterprise On-Line, WIFI

WIFI or wireless access to the much for small enterprise or emerging markets? No, and don't forget it. Africa comes to mind with Google and SMS.
WIFI, SMS makes the Internet accessible for small enterprise and home based businesses via cell phones, that's right! Small Enterprise can reach to Africa and more.
Google, Africa reports:
In Africa, we've learned that mobile phones are easier to get to than internet connections and PCs, and that working towards our mission means working through mobile phones. At the beginning of 2008, there were over a quarter of a billion mobile subscribers on the continent. Mobile penetration has risen from just one in 50 people at the beginning of this century to almost one third of the population today. To that end, we are excited to launch a test of Google SMS Search in Ghana and Nigeria.
Google SMS Search provides access to information through a mobile phone without internet. You simply create an SMS message about what you are looking for and send it to the Google number (4664 or "GOOG") and wait for a response by SMS.
So far it looks like Google is only offering the service in Ghana and Nigeria; going where the need and technology come together.