Small Enterprise On-Line Commerce Intelligence

The business intelligence of small enterprise excites novelty of products and services. Small Enterprise intelligence excites working capital and minimizes impacts of credit operating models by seeking or delivering unique enterprises through low cost, small enterprise platforms. Novelty of business intelligence also demands small enterprise establish a brand and stick with it.
In a previous post, small enterprise novelty featured small enterprise development and commerce for biofuel resale. How many barrels of biofuel can you produce and deliver...branding could also aid in this venture. Is this domain available?
In new posts, suggestions will include involving Small Enterprise in the development of transportation, community projects and more. One of the novel opportunities for small enterprise includes community or socio/business commercialization. Many small communities are represented by business associations, state or local jurisdictions, and meet commonly at locations determined by associations or agencies...fees for participation are relatively small but fail to reconnect the enterprise with the one-time-only market. Today...each community or association can socio/business network on small enterprise platforms, ecommerce, einfrastructure capable with the new vision of branding each enterprise and not just the events.
Think small enterprise development...deliver!