Proximic Could Be the New Currency of Internet Media

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Proximic Could Be the New Currency of Internet Media

Business On-Line Cafe...Small Enterprise Ideas and Intelligence...Proximic!

Small Enterprise, Strategic Business Venture, and Internet Media as a whole, could be celebrating a paradigm in more accurate measurement of “reach and frequency” for “on-line advertising”. Reach and frequency and advertising?

Reach and frequency is important for all levels of enterprise and most especially small to medium enterprise and their associations. When working capital is expended to get an enterprise brand in front of a potential user, working capital for advertising makes more sense if a brand can reach the target audience even more frequently. Proximic delivers a much useful algorithim with much wider uses than advertising software licenses with Google.

Proximic is a small enterprise group and describes its capability as a fundamentally unique contextual matching technologies enabling Proximic to extract relevant content from even the most challenging content environments.

Built as a high-quality contextual matching platform accessible by a broader market to deliver relevant and useful content and ads. Proximic’s philanthropic vision includes uses in other products built on the Proximic platform and anyone can participate in their open system. The platform’s dynamic nature allows an exceptional index freshness and simplistic yet powerful collaboration with partners.

The story for Proximic and its potential as the New Currency of Internet Media may be linked to their need to pick low hanging fruit users through software licenses to create revenue but with greater strategic thinking could very well become the New Currency of Internet Media.

A comparison is in mind. In the 1970’s a small enterprise developed an algorithim that calculated the reach and frequency data derived from radio ratings of Arbitron and developed what became known as Tapscan. Tapscan provided the Radio Group, Data Provider and Advertiser with a visual representation of the reach and frequency of the Radio Group, combining comparative Groups, and calculating the quantitative and later qualititative data for advertiser greater value. Tapscan developed its algorithim for Radio, TV, Cable, Agencies and became the Global currency of Broadcast Media. Tapscan’s Group adjusted to the convergence in media and sold its brands to the Data Providers who had more access to qualitative measures and was best suited for the ownership convergence. The Group didn’t stop there! Technology and Measurement resurfaced with “Measuring In-Car Listenership” of Radio listeners….can you say!

Proximic with its ability to deliver measurement for “Internet Media” has the strategic ability to impact all facets of media…and after that? Proximic might deliver a measurement for “Internet Listenership”? Small Enterprises, deliver. Group

Socio/Business Network 2020

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