Enterprises Survive the "Dollar Boarding" of Big Business and Enterprise Development

Enterprises Survive the "Dollar Boarding" of Big Business and Enterprise Development
Entrepreneurs and Enterprises aspiring for competitiveness may choose to stay private when currencies are flooding the markets and governments begin exercising controls.
Much different than cooperative government that enables the sharing of tools, business services and publishing opportunities, "dollar boarding" creates a non-competitive bubble where working capital, offered from government, translates to government control and a myriad of bad decisions for enterprise development.
While on track to preserve financial institutions, competition is not the focus for some economies and governments. One government, public official rationalized the sacrifice of enterprise competition for the greater of the whole by stating words to the effect, "...when your neighbor's house is on fire, arguing about the "hose" is not productive."
A enterprise intelligence suggestion for developing entrepreneurs and enterprises, jump in for the money and contaminate your business model. Where policies pump money into black holes, your enterprise may be sucked down with the government, co-sponsored enterprises that have been "dollar boarded" to keep them afloat.
Surviving entrepreneurs and enterprises develop with working capital models. Should some capital be required, look to a socio/business network(sm) or collaborative opportunities between like-minded enterprises and or private capital funding. The diligence of your efforts in private working capital will create multiple enterprise opportunities, free from barriers that "dollar boarding" will create.
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