Enterprise and Entrepreneurs, Think It Over? A SocioBusiness Portal!

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Enterprise and Entrepreneurs, Think It Over? A SocioBusiness Portal!

Since the beginning of commerce, the World has turned economies, built new trade routes, established free enterprise and influenced responsible geo-political sociobusinesses to collaborate through entrepreneurial and small business communities. Collaborations provided the strength to achieve new business, new products, services and markets where, truly, no markets existed before.

Although the World benefited through the Industrial Revolution of the 1800 and early 1900's, big business models emerged as the dominant forces in enterprise success or failure.

Think It Over and take a look at technologies of the late 1990's and pre 2004 periods; example, "Research Triangle, Taipei, Taiwan," groups of extremely brilliant and enthusiastic scientist and small entrepreneur collaborators gathered and developed instruments of LED, Substrate Coatings, to name just a few. Squeezing down on "their" ability to develop as well as to stimulate "their" creations into new and evolving markets, big business industries and banking converged and all but forced the "short sale" of "their" discoveries to big industries and banks stifling these entrepreneurs and eliminating greater possibilities for developing new business through collaborations from continuous enterprise development zones with international footprints.

As history always repeats until a new reality arises, entrepreneurs and small enterprise as well as their associations followed big business and chased big banking over the "global economic falls of 2009."

New innovations and paradigms have emerged, as a result of the "global economic falls of 2009," to enable the gathering of like minded enterpreneurs and small enterprises in an exclusive sociobusiness portal. A sociobusiness portal (developed by WRLymanGroup), provides the full benefits once prohibitive and never conceived completely for entrepreneurs and enterprise stimulation, incubation and the opportunity to enhance success through cooperative collaborations. 2020Networkers(sm) on ISM2020.com are enabled and can communicate directly with WRLymanGroup and collaborators. Spreading throughout this Portal are other collaborations and other venues such as the Collaborations Network(sm), enabling, empowering and encouraging Entrepreneurs. Socio/Business Network(sm). Free membership provides access to small enterprise ideas, incubations, collaborations and more.

Enterprise and Entrepreneurs, Think It Over? Business On-Line Cafe and the WRLymanGroup Report:

In 2008, Business On-Line Cafe used the term business intelligence.
Advancing and stimulating enterprise,WRLymanGroup.com, intertwined business intelligence for entrepreneurs, enterprises, businesses, small to medium, to enable, empower and encourage decision making and opportunities in order to stimulate new business with information, technology, including networking & business matchmaking activities and international footprint and commerce.

…conceptualizing enterprise vision and solutions collaboratively, enables greater success to market. Collaboration exchange across borders and languages are well into play. As enterprise ideas deliver through cooperative, cross-border relations, new paradigms are beginning to impact global entrepreneur and enterprise development and stimulating or creating new market possibilities where no markets existed before…”WRLymanGroup.”

Supporting the “new” concept of Enterprise Intelligence, “continuous-enterprise-development-zones” were developed. Imagine the power of expansion in continuous-enterprise-development-zones. The power of entrepreneurism through enterprise socio/business collaborations, permits a greater opportunity for commercialization from an idea or current enterprise to international footprints and partnerships.

Enabling and Empowering entrepreneurs, small to medium enterprises and businesses WorldWide required a “sociobusiness portal,” developed with focus on sociobusiness Top 100 helping and interacting with each other in continuous-enterprise-development-zones. Emerging new paradigms for enterprise development and becoming powerhouses for promoting international development to commercialization, like-minded, responsible entrepreneurs and enterprises created this zone and a gathering of creativity and reach and more are there in SocioBusiness Portal of WRLymanGroup.

Think It Over? Sociobusiness collaborations, where free enterprise among geo-politically responsible and like-minded entrepreneurs and enterprises evolve new markets and promote continuous enterprises; a place where enterprise-comes-from-enterprise and if you are a part of it, entrepreneurs, small business and small enterprises can work collaboratively to promote enterprise opportunities, provide incubation assistance and can cooperative collaboratively to promote this "sociobusiness" community and their enterprises into responsible enterprise collaborations and evolving international footprints.

Develop like-minded collaborating enterprises among mutual cooperations. Provide enhanced success for sociobusiness collaborations. A place where entrepreneurs, small business, small enterprise like-minded network and develop in a “continuous enterprise development zone” a SocioBusiness Portal..find your business intelligence here!

Enterprises and Entrepreneurs, Think It Over! A SocioBusiness Portal is welcoming responsible entrepreneurs, enterprises to the continuous-enterprise-development-zone, through an exclusive Socio/Business Network(sm) with an appropriate return address!

Enterprise Intelligence and Enterprise Opportunities at your fingertips…small enterprise deliver!

MyLyman.Blogspot.com – Small Medium Enterprise and On-Line Marketing Socio/Business Help

Want to advance a business collaboration? Request to Join an Exclusive Socio/Business Network(sm) on ISM2020(sm)!

Are you an entrepreneur small business small enterprise interested in collaborating small enterprise into international footprints…the Collaborations Network(sm) for helping enterprise grow and creating new markets!

WRLymanGroup.com Enterprise Intelligence Stimulating Enterprise Development Into International Footprints

WRLyman.com Group Enterprise Services Business On-Line Cafe Building Small Enterprise and International Footprints!

An Evolving, Exclusive, Incubation Portal may be available to you? SocioBusinessHosting(sm) is emerging as the home of SocioBusiness Incubation… join us!

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