Could the global economic debacle have created a new Paradigm and the emergence of Micro Enterprise Eco Impact Zones?

Micro Enterprise Eco Impact Zones.
Macro Markets are starting to pay attention!

Micro Enterprise Collaborative Development of Eco Impact Zones enables and empowers smaller-scale, under-served, micro enterprise with more potential for growth and scale—and growing the Global Economic Pie!

Macro Markets are starting to pay attention!

Global Macro market institutions continue to divide the same Economic Pie. Could the global economic debacle have created a new Paradigm and the emergence of Micro Enterprise Eco Impact Zones?

It appears so, according to CNBC On-Line Article by Lawrence Delevingne "U.S. Investors un-cover a new market and it's popping." Published: Friday, 22 Nov 2013 | 10:44 AM ET

Delevingne focuses Macro Market interests along Macro market corridors or the Interstates and Exits of Global Macro Institutionalism - in Africa, South Africa - in South America, Brazil - and, Europe? Yet, greater impact lies along the developing "micro economic corridors" evolving in-relation-to the macro economic interstates and its exits of Emerging Markets.

Like major highways or inter-state roads, macro economic corridors are the trade routes and ports of global trade. Micro economic corridors are the smaller roads connecting and servicing the villages of micro enterprise. Micro economic corridors are developing a grid of highways, inter-states, air-routes, sea routes, and connecting the developing new markets for greater local and regional economic impact - and, growing the global economic pie.

Macro Markets Institutions remain fixed on emerging macro market corridors and continue to miss the impact of the developing micro economic corridors.

Alternative, private, semi-philanthropic, collaborative, and holistic development of under-served micro enterprise Eco Impact zones enable smaller scale enterprise to enjoin collectively to build out sustainable renewable energies, advanced-aquaponic agriculture and fishery closed systems, renewable grasses, renewable timbers, communications and modality into Eco Impact Zones and creating the Value Chains of the Future!

"Micro Economic Corridors are becoming an integral part of the ventures and engagements for both Rural and Urban Economic Development capital models forming from the strength of Micro Enterprise WorldWide Collaborators."

Now, entrepreneurs, ecopreneurs, micro farmers/landowners, and small to medium enterprise are gathering within the designated proprietary zones, creating the micro economic corridors enabling collaborative ventures of semi-philanthropic development and the creation of value chains of the future.

Join in the Alternative Markets of Small Enterprise and the forming Micro Economic Corridors - Macro Markets are starting to pay attention!

Micro Enterprise Sectors are Assembling into Collaborative Engagements with tailored Financial Structured Plans…forcing the growing acceptance that Paradigms are occurring favoring Micro Economic Alternatives!

Welcome in to the Paradigm of Micro Enterprise Collaborative Possibilities!

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