Eco-Agri Collaborative and Eco Impact Zones “Renewable Energies and Communications” ‘Part of the Holistic Eco Collaborative Components’

Eco-Agri Collaborative and Eco Impact Zones
“Renewable Energies and Communications”

‘Part of the Holistic Eco Collaborative Components’

Welcome to the New Era of Rural or Urban Development - holistic Eco Collaborative Capital Model development of Eco Impact Zones.

Eco-Agri Collaboratives, Tailoring Renewable Energy to Communications!

Friendly Frontier markets seeking new era Rural and Urban development enter the Eco Impact Zones, where Entrepreneur and Small Enterprise Trade Zones are developing holistic Eco oriented facilities as part of the many renewables making up an Eco-Agri Collaborative.

Eco-Agri Collaborative Capital Models are holistically composed of renewable energy facility, Aquaponic (closed system, nutrient rich) Growing Units (AGUs), Fishery (closed system, nurseries) Nursery Units (FNUs)(balanced nutrient mix piped to AGUs), Field Renewables (Bamboo & other low impact renewable crops), Full Security Scope, and full Modality - capable transport & logistics internally and to value chains of future.

Eco Impact Zones are developed to introduce new Eco (ecologically friendly) oriented industries, new era workforces, enhanced access to capital, and the modality required to Eco-Agri Collaborative Logistics/Modality developing alternative trade, ports, and access to other collaborative impact zones.

Where Eco-Collaborators Plug In!

Specific Scope bid requirements are open for invited collaborating participant sectors to build, operate, transfer, and train the local independent contracting workers in new Eco tech sectors from advanced trained Agri-Techs, Fishery-Techs, Solar-Techs, Communications-Tech, Renewable-Field-Operations-Techs, including advanced training in Eco-Agri security and Eco-Agri logistics techs.

Join in moving the Paradigm Eco Impact Zones forward.

In the developing grid of Micro Enterprise landowners and small farmers of under-served, friendly Frontier markets and find Collaborations Forming Sustainable Micro and Small Enterprise, Full-Scale, Agri/Aquaponic-Renewable Energy-Fish Nurseries-Renewable Grasses Eco Collaborations - the creation of Eco Impact Zones in under-served friendly, frontier is on the way!

Adding All Sectors (Holistic Eco Development) in an Eco-Agri Collaborative

In developing wholly eco-oriented sectors making up Eco Impact Zones, planners may consider assembling both General and Specific Scopes that are essential for sustainability, economic impact, and in ensuring maximum infrastructure capabilities.

This Article/Post hopes to share some concepts on holistic Eco Impact Zone development – Renewable Energies & Communications/Data – Component Sectors of an Eco-Agri Collaborative and defining scopes for participating collaborators – plug in!

Renewable Energies - (Solar, Wind, Geo-Thermal…)

Providing renewable energy components ensure independent power capabilities and encourage regional, renewable build-out of Eco-energy infrastructures.

Where to begin? Choosing Solar?

Use of Solar and Photovoltaic (PV) power plants can be installed within the area of the Eco-Agri Collaborative.

Land usage? Estimation of land usage ranges between 130 and 500 acres dependent on the required MWp required. LED power can be utilized as back up in off hours.

Designing within a grid concept, power generated but not utilized by the Collaborative can be sold to local government or private co-ops; and, can help improve local infrastructure.

Thin film PV technology may be the optimal solution for megawatt-scale solar applications of an Eco-Agri Collaborative.

Tailoring renewable energy selection and components must consider geographical and climatic conditions of the Eco-Agri Collaborative; and the case of Solar, the characteristic of both PV technologies (crystalline and thin-film) is considered in the feasibility study.

Choosing a Solar Power Plant requires the Energy collaborator to consider use of best Inverters to include with the required PV Box and Wac, in parallel.

An Eco-Agri Collaborative and Eco Impact Zone PV plant may range from 14 MWp to 25 MWp, using Thin Film solar panels ranging from 130Wp and greater and matching the PV Box and Wac in parallel.

Eco-Agri Collaborative Network, Communications, Data!

Eco-Agri Collaborative Communications and Data!

Why communications and data?

Delivering real-time capabilities!

Improving infrastructure, and providing state-of-the-art reach and frequency!

Although tailored by location, choosing an Eco-Agri Collaborative network capabilities available are essential to ensuring internal capabilities and also in considering commercial applicability to the surrounding Eco Impact Zone.

Some things to consider in formulating both General and Specific Scopes should include choosing the appropriate type of area network; i.e., a campus area network versus wide area network?

One preference to consider is a CAN (Campus Area Network). A CAN solution is scalable, available, secure and will enable connectivity to other buildings within the entire Eco-Agri Collaborative and Eco Impact Zones.

Some Goals of Comms & Data:

- Tailor by Location – Network Capabilities – Scalable and Secure for both Internal Eco-Agri Collaborative use and for External sale to the developing infrastructure of each Eco Impact Zone.

Forming an Eco Impact Zone via Eco-Agri Collaborative Models are enhancing underserved, friendly Frontier markets access to capital, infrastructure, new era industries, new era workforces, and introducing new value chains of the future. 

What types of Rural or Urban Development is your region employing, old era components or new era paradigms?

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