Micro and Small Farmer Landowners "Holistic" Eco Impact Zones - Eco-Agri Collaboratives join Energy Renewables (Adding Solar Sectors)

New Eco-preneurs and Rural and or Urban Development!

If you missed the news about Eco Collaborative Capital Modeling and Semi-Philanthropic Development of eco-oriented collaborations, you might be overlooking the Paradigms in alternative capital and economic development concepts.

If you missed the gathering of and between semi-philanthropic micro enterprise worldwide collaborators and micro/small farmers/landowners of under-served, friendly Frontier markets, then its good to know that private groups of semi-philanthropic collaborators are forming Eco Impact Zones and Eco-Agri Collaborative Models.

Gather in the Paradigm of Rural and Urban development and the concept of Multi-Eco-Sector formations of new-era "holistic" eco-sector development and the Eco Impact Zones and Eco-Agri Collaborative new-era workforces of the future.

What is a "'Holistic', Sustainable Eco-Agri Farming and Eco-Renewables" concept?

Eco Impact Zones are developed to introduce new Eco (ecologically friendly) oriented industries, new era workforces, enhanced access to capital, and the modality required to develop alternative trade, ports, and access to other collaborative impact zones.

In this short to longer-term economic environment, funding sources for under-served, friendly Frontier markets' lies focused on either of rural and or urban development.

Green or Eco funding has and may continue to be more of a development-bank-funding-sponsorship selection versus venture capital; yet, other private and or public funding sources are starting to pay attention because of the positive, total sector economic impact zone and new workforces. The choice becomes new eco-oriented "holistic" capital investment versus "single-sector" - renewables and or agri-ventures."

Seeking entering and employing this Paradigm?  Consider the more "holistic" view of adding more micro/small farmers and landowners, forming together within a Collaborative and with a combined leased acreage (minimum of 1,000 acres), multi-eco sector Eco-Agri Collaborative development is tailored with multiple "green" or "Eco" facilitating sectors and composed with renewable energy component - providing a greater economic impact - attractive to many development funding entities in Africa, Europe and around the Globe.

To build a successful and sustainable, private, Eco-Agri collaboration - co-ownership of micro landowners/small farmers help by providing multiple income streams for local, regional and developing value-chains from the Collaborative area and extending throughout the country and region.

Eco-Agri Collaborations are state-of-the-art facilities, worthy of significant and sustained positive economic and ecological impact for select underserved, friendly frontier markets.

Provide alternative, micro capital enablement through collaborating partnerships and local small or micro farmers introducing new-era green industries, new-era green workforces, and new-alternative trade zones for building the micro economic corridors and new-era value chains.

Closed-System, Agricultural Growing Units - 365-day year production via a controlled, high-tech, organic-nutrient-based media beds. This concept is needed agriculture for this region to reclaim lost lands and minimizing impact on degraded land.

Closed-System Fisheries Units - 365-day year production via controlled, high-tech, organic-feed-selected-fish (fingerlings) Units. This tailored concept is needed to support the organic nutrient supporting the Ag growing units via a controlled, closed-stainless-steel-piping system. This concept further provides the opportunity to commercialize the rotated fish for commercial consumption. This concept further assists in providing much needed, organic-nutrient-controlled fish without impacting waterways or natural stocks.

Micro and Small Farmer Landowners "Holistic" Eco Impact Zones - Eco-Agri Collaborative join Energy Renewables (Adding Solar Sectors)
Renewable Energy Component - Wind and Hydro renewables are fine options, depending on location but overall, Solar is a preferred Collaborating Sector component:

- Between 15Mwp and 25+Mwp, consistency

- Solar PV concept (modules) is a preferred option for Eco-Agri and Eco Impact Zone development

- Thin Film PV is preferred

- Non-farm energy output should be consistent with more than 600,000 Mwah, over a PPA period of about 25 years - modules (Sharp Solar has a comparable model) would probably exceed 115,000 modules of more than 130Wp

- Acreage for the Solar Array to power the Eco Impact Zone Grid would be between 140 acres and 350 acres (15Mwp to 25+Mwp)

Solar and or Renewable Energies' benefits include avoidance of fossil fuels (less fossil-fuel dependency), low to no emissions from displaced fossil resources, new era Eco and Eco workforce employment generation, and low environmental and natural resource environmental benefits.

Locating the project closer to at least 33kv transmission lines of the developing infrastructure country-grid would mean little to no infrastructure upgrade for the country to hook up, sell some of the power via a tariff agreement, and empower further economic and regional eco-oriented infrastructure development.

Bore hole (wells) - at least 60m deep, more than 3 up to 1. Provides cleaner water for systems, minimizes impact on above-ground-water-sources, and many other environmental and collateral benefits.

Security Assessment - this is required for underwriter/broker to ensure risk levels.

Security posture - dependent on risk assessment

MagMeal or Fish food production facilities.

Warehouse/Production facilities.

Transport and Logistics facilities.

Portions of the prospective micro/small farmers and landowners would be leased to their Eco-Agri Collaborative Enterprise - for the greater Eco-Agri Sector use. Main Collaborative campus would include land (headquarters and some sector units) offered in a sale to the USA Asset Holdings and the Country's Asset Holdings (the Collaborative holdings - entities).

The multiple benefits of "holistic" eco-agri collaborative modeling concept and multi new era rural and urban, multi-sector eco-oriented development, outweigh single-sector-renewable or standard agri-development providing enhanced access to preferred developmental funding, new eco industry development, new eco workforces, increasing micro access to capital, and providing the preferred and more efficient use of degraded lands and waters from standard agriculture practices and single-sector development.

Funding Policy Guidelines of each Eco-Agri Collaborative must be tailored to choice of procedures, lenders, methods of seeking funding and disbursement to long-term sustainability, and document transparency in its policy.

Join in the new era of rural and or urban development - Empower your Eco Impact Zone. Eco-Agri Collaborations produce a financial structure plan formed under the concept of an Eco-Agri Collaborative Capital model - worthy of funding - enhanced economic impact.

Join in the Paradigm of Enterprise Encouragement, Empowerment, Enablement! Find Help...in the Zones of Micro Enterprise WorldWide Collaborators.

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