Venture in to the New Era of Rural and Urban Development - Serving the Under-Served, Friendly Frontier Markets - Assembling the Value Chains of Micro Economic Corridors - Plug In

“Welcome to the Possibilities of Collaborative Impact Investing”
A "New Era of Rural and Urban Development"
Eco Impact Zones and Eco-Agri Collaboratives

Creating Eco infrastructure alternatives for micro and small enterprise farmer and landowner development in under-served, friendly Frontier markets.  Holistic energy, agriculture, fisheries, renewable grasses, communications enable a total zone development of high tech Eco workforces.  

Tailored Eco-Agri and Renewable Sector Collaboratives enhance employment opportunities through developing higher skilled work forces with skilled training in Eco Energies such as Solar, Hydro Electric systems, and in Eco Agriculture such as AquaPonic or Hydroponic systems, Eco Renewable Timbers, Modalities – shipping, trucking and more.

Micro Enterprise WorldWide Collaborators are active and moving forward in developing and connecting Eco Collaborative Zones through Alternative Trade Route development, and through the Modality, Reach, Frequency required for sustainable development of eco-oriented, micro economic corridors.

From 1,000 acres to 3,000 acres Eco Impact Zones and Eco-Agri Collaborations for Under-Served, Friendly Frontier micro/small farmers/landowners, the Paradigm of Eco-Agri Collaborative Capital Rural development is happening. 

Collaborative like-minded Ecopreneurs are assembling, in semi-philanthropic collaboration, stimulating market possibilities where no markets existed before.  Enter the Place where a Paradigm of alternative ecopreneurism meet micro/small farmers/landowners in new-era sustainable farming and renewables markets and trade zone development is flourishing!

Find holistic micro development alternatives the niche’ for the sustainability of each of the Eco-oriented, holistic-continuous-enterprise-development-zones, enhancing opportunities for international footprints and enabling under-served, friendly Frontier micro/small farmers/landowners with sustainable, private, semi-philanthropic development of total Eco Collaboratives.

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