Decoupling of Impact Zones and Micro Economic Corridors - the paradigm is clearer - Changing the Global Commerce 2017

Changing the Global Commerce 2017?

Over the past 6-years', Macro Market geopolitics and the decoupling of trade and trade routes leading many private innovators into under-served, friendly markets; but, because of the decoupling of globalization the paradigm is clearer.

With the full-force of decoupling continuing through 2016, collaborative development in Frontier markets are anticipating forming new sovereign trade alliances where innovating with Eco industries and Eco workforces can enable sustainable growth from Eco-friendly infrastructure development and may function as new ports of trade, extended logistics (modality).  Micro-economic benefits from developing new technology workforces for both rural and urban empowerment adds reach and frequency of reach within and from new or alternative trade routes and ports.

Beware?  Post World War II, and most especially over the past 35-years', came the evolution of Macro Market geopolitics and Macro Market trade routes.

Danger trade zones?  The competition for and within the former BRIC (Brazil, Russia, India, China) emerging markets lead to the largest bleed of wealth in human history and the near destruction of small and micro enterprise capacity to increase the global economic pie

Further trade infections occurring within the geo-politics of sovereigns, such as Syria, Iran, and North Korea, "the BRIC entity infected zones," are considered the most dangerous trade zones and these micro sovereigns have made the security of Post WWII macro/micro trade zones (a 2,000 mile circumference danger zone) unattractive for trade route development.  Based on prospective geo-political "cancers" continuing within these entities, none are expected to change.

However, the current and prospective breakaway's from defunct globalization the return to sovereign relations from Great Britain's (BREXIT) departure from the EU attempt to force-feed globalization and corrupt trade relations, and the 2016 rising up of the U.S. population against the globalization contamination and loss of sovereign status.  Changes in these two Western countries alone include shedding the geo-political elites and oligarchs and may very well indicate a certainty in the restructuring of global trade relations, agreements, trade routes and ports beginning as early as 2017.

Indeed, the sphere of influence for small enterprise may favor new trade and alternative trade routes by aligning with the leading two Western countries.  The Capitalization or Re-Capitalization of working capital friendly, small enterprise markets/zones, the enablement of working capital models with collaborative engagements may emerge as the strength of small enterprise participates in mutually-sovereign, effective, successful enterprise oriented World of alternative trade zone, trade route, trade ports and the development of internal and external parallel-micro-economic-corridors of 2017!

The Emergence!  Break free from "Globality" its secret-deals, awful alliances and the real-politik, the immaturity of geo-politics from BRIC danger-zones. In fact, the "lack of faith and confidence" represents the current state of affairs for BRIC market geopolitics and may very well be the reason why"force majeure" was created!

Be ready for the restructuring of global trade relations, agreements, trade routes and ports beginning as early as 2017.  

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