
Decoupling of Impact Zones and Micro Economic Corridors - the paradigm is clearer - Changing the Global Commerce 2017

Changing the Global Commerce 2017? Over the past 6-years', Macro Market geopolitics and the decoupling of trade and trade routes leading many private innovators into under-served, friendly markets; but, because of the decoupling of globalization the paradigm is clearer. With the full-force of decoupling continuing through 2016 , collaborative development in Frontier markets are anticipating forming new sovereign trade alliances where innovating with Eco industries and Eco workforces can enable sustainable growth from Eco-friendly infrastructure development and may function as new ports of trade, extended logistics (modality).  Micro-economic benefits from developing new technology workforces for both rural and urban empowerment adds reach and frequency of reach within and from new or alternative trade routes and ports. Beware?   Post World War II, and most especially over the past 35-years', came the evolution of Macro Market geopolitics and Macro Market trade routes. ...

Collaborative Cooperation, Empowering Options in Frontier Markets

Collaborative Cooperation, Empowering Options in Frontier Markets  - Join Us as we challenge the current evolutionary paradigm of Micro Enterprise Development through Eco Impact Zones!   New Routes of Trade evolve through empowerment of micro economic corridors and pursuit of Innovative and Holistic Private Commerce Modeling. Join in forging the completion of the WorldWide Grid of Alternative Micro and Small Enterprise Eco Impact Zones -join us in discovering Trade and Commerce through the employment of private, semi-philanthropic collaboration of holistic eco-collaborative-capital-development. Friendly Frontier markets seeking new era Rural and Urban development? Enter the Eco Impact Zones, where Entrepreneur and Small Enterprise Trade Zones are developing holistic Eco oriented facilities as part of the many renewables making up an Eco-Agri Collaborative. The  Impact Zones - Eco Impact Zones  paradigm is clear - by initiating semi-philanthropic collab...

Eco Collaborative Sectors are changing the face and roles of their Industry - New fields of workforces are emerging from Eco Impact Zones

Keep one eye on the changing faces and roles of industry - New fields of workforces are emerging from Eco Impact Zones From collaborating Eco Sectors, new technological workforces are developing, offering Eco oriented training into new eco industry infrastructure and capital capacity building workforces. Under-served, friendly frontier markets may keep an eye on the  changing faces and roles of old industries . A new paradigm in eco agra and renewables is fostering these changes. Semi-philanthropic collaborators are teaming with private sector industries and under-served, friendly frontier market farmers and communities. Implementing holistic eco development and technology, the paradigm of aid to local and to regional under-served farmers and communities may be in their hands as new fields of workforces are emanating and changing the capacity building equation in favor of under-served frontier markets. Eco Logistics in the new era of Eco Impact Zones? Value - Reach - Fre...

Eco Campuses! Enabling agricultural and renewables farming for under-served markets - adding the technologies of Mobility and Order Fulfillment

New Era and New Economies of Rural/Urban development are enabling agricultural and renewable farming for under-served markets. Discovering the development of Micro Economic Corridors - advancing the new era in development for under-served, friendly Frontier Markets ...are you? Eco Campuses are integrating mobile reach and frequency platforms expanding market and economic reach while enabling sustainable planning through research, and conservation. Reach - Value - Frequency - Order Fulfillment! By introducing proper economic scale in Rural or Urban Collaborative Capital Model development enhances sustainability by ensuring local and regional economic ability to consume products or services of the economically vibrant zone and to establish reach into Micro Enterprise Collaborative Zones through alternative trade route development and effective expansion of reach through the developing micro economic corridors. Immediate orders and payments made in real-time.  Integrati...

Next Week in Micro Enterprise WorldWide Collaborators Group on LinkedIn - Mobile & EOF Technologies

Next Week in Micro Enterprise WorldWide Collaborators Group on LinkedIn - Mobile & EOF Technologies Eco Campuses are integrating mobile reach and frequency platforms for economic reach, research, and conservation.  Integrating SMS and EOF into the growing 80% plus mobile phone penetration. Why Eco-Agri Collaborative Communications and Data?  Why communications and data? Delivering real-time capabilities!    Coming Next Week. Eco Agri & Renewables Collaboratives - Eco Impact Zones Join in the targeted working capital collaborations, assisting local populations to be more capable of utilizing working capital, introducing new incomes from Eco sector development.

The Growth of Micro Economic Corridors

Eco Industries - Holistic Eco Campuses The developing eco industries and holistic eco campuses! A significant change? ...minimizing environmental impact and,  ...developing eco grids of micro economic corridors. Think "Bamboo" (renewable grasses) - another important contributor to success of holistic Eco-Agri and Renewable Capital Collaborations. Developing eco grids of micro economic corridors! Growing the Eco-oriented corridors - from 1,000 acres to 1,000 square kilometers - the  Paradigm of Collaborative Capital Model development is happening.  Collaborative like-minded entrepreneurs and private eco industries are working to stimulate market possibilities where no markets existed before. Collaborative Capital Models enhance access to development for friendly, under-served countries and compliment, rather than displace, the Macro capital forms of funding for global small enterprise development. Eco-impact zones are developing Alternative work...

Discovering Eco Impact Zones - Eco Holistic Campuses - Trade Routes and Ports of the Future

Eco Impact Zones - Air Modality Rev. 2-1-2020 Now is the time for the development of Micro Economic Corridors - advancing the new era in development for under-served, friendly Frontier Markets...are you? Redrawing and "New Era and New Economies of Rural and Urban Development." South Asia, Africa, , North America, UK, Eastern Europe, South America and more...Enterprise, where Micro Economic Corridors are developing - Alternative Eco Impact Zones are past the concept stage! From 1,000 acres to 1,000 square kilometers, the Paradigm of Collaborative Capital Model development is happening. Collaborative like-minded entrepreneurs are working to stimulate market possibilities where no markets existed before. Changing the dynamics of business development and creating a niche for multi-sector (holistic), micro and small enterprise development in holistic eco impact campuses and advanced renewable development of full sustainable Eco Impact zones. Collaborative C...