Small Enterprise Collaborating Health and Dental

Small Enterprise Collaborating Health and Dental

How can a small enterprise idea and your community need come together? Sometimes it takes experiencing the need to better understand who, where, what, when and how. While health and dental needs are universal, markets may differ by custom or differ by competing entities or by limits set by licensing or governmental entities; in comes the model of small enterprise collaborating health and or dental solutions and the opportunities to duplicate or franchise solutions in a continuous enterprise development mode where enterprise develops from enterprise and solutions are offered to those most in need.

In Birmingham, Alabama, a registered nurse, after many years of service, stumbled upon a whole community of persons who could not afford or even know how to communicate their need for dental services. She witnessed complications from the lack of dental care showing up in much more complex health problems. The more complex health problems contributed to the increase in visits for emergency care and as well an increase in debt for services where the patient was unable to pay as well as losing not just their health but also their teeth and quality of life.

This nurse? Edweena Taylor. Edweena began her enterprise solution by experiencing the very heart of community patient needs and by setting out on a path to find those professionals to volunteer and collaborate an innovative health and dental solution for her community. Thus began "Cahaba Valley Health and Dental;" composed of recruited volunteers of dentists, hygienists, dental assistants, college-level foreign language students, and corporate and or church groups providing locations and expertise to perform initial screening services to those in need as well as referrals to dentists or doctors that voluntarily reduce service pricing in order to serve the greater community.

Too difficult? Not so.
Edweena tuned into the very heart and soul of human kindness and the need to do something good while simultaneously providing a valuable return for each. Dentist or prospective dentist volunteer and in return extend their thriving practice by providing discounted services. Dentists and prospective dentists network in this volunteer setting. As a beneficial impact, hygienists and assistants extend their practice knowledge and add to their resume both experience and community involvement. Colleges and college language students benefit by volunteering language translations in a medical and dental service and thereby providing alternative paths for their post graduate language field into the health and dental fields as well as improving their resumes and their community involvement.

Churches participate and share their good will and community interests by reaching out to the very persons in need and bringing greater awareness to the genuine act of practicing what is preached. Corporations, such as Proctor and Gamble (, provide informational pamphlets, large contributions of toothpaste, toothbrushes and more and in return extend their brand recognition as well as contributing to the overall improvement of dental health.

From such efforts and solutions by entrepreneurs and enterprises, more alternative solutions for communities at-large evolve. To spur innovative solutions to these communities, small enterprises and entrepreneurs can provide the technological tools for successful collaboration of connecting the volunteerism services to the low-cost alternatives for follow on treatment from the initial volunteer services.

"" is such a collaborative idea that can be developed under any language (in this case English), providing electronic access to locate and confirm availability and access to low cost treatment for a very-low referral fee.

In this economy, sociobusiness collaboration finds its place in combining both need and technical solutions that round-out the basis for a successful enterprise and in return helping or providing a valid return for all parties (from patients to professionals) and by developing a continuous enterprise development opportunity less impacted by economics and more by demand.

Small Enterprise and Entrepreneur types can find new and innovative solutions for life sciences and new and innovative solutions for communities by duplicating this effort into all needed health and dental arenas such as "," and other care-solution ideas for the World community.

Small Enterprises and Community needs are the sociobusiness collaborative solution to what ails the global community and your small enterprise or entrepreneurism can find its home here!

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