“Adding the Technology of AquaPonics” Part of the Holistic Formation of Eco Impact Zones New Era Industries…New Era Workforce…New Era “Eco-Techs”

Eco Impact Zone – Eco-Agri Collaborative
“Adding the Technology of AquaPonics”
Fisheries & AquaPonics
Part of the Holistic Formation of Eco Impact Zones
New Era Industries…New Era Workforce…New Era “Eco-Techs”

The Technology of Closed-System, AquaPonics
AquaPonics < Closed-System > Fisheries
Flow Components of an Eco-Agri Collaborative
Eco Collaborations of Micro Farmers, Small Farmers, and Landowners are forming Eco Impact Zones with Eco-Agri Collaborative Capital and introducing a "new era" of sustainable farming, developing and applying new technology, and enabling "green baskets of renewables to the World!"

AquaPonics and Fisheries are advancing under-served, friendly frontier markets into viable and sustainable plenty-zones utilizing holistic Eco-Agri Collaborative design.  Commercializing further research-development (RD) conducted within each Eco Impact Zone will yield greater improvements such as preservation of natural resources and environment, enhancement of sustainability in the higher-quality commercialization of fresh produce and fresh fisheries - with fewer loss of goods and with higher yields per harvest?

Sample Illustration - Not to Scale - Scales are Tailored
Grouped Agricultural (AquaPonic) Growing Unit(s) (AGUs

In the Technology of AquaPonics, fish are grown in tanks and nutrient-rich water from these tanks is pumped into Hydroponic or dry nutrient rich media beds of various size and shapes - vegetables, herbs, flowers, and other crops absorb the nutrients for growth and purify the culture water, which is returned to the fish rearing tanks.

Although the fish are living in a tank, waste products are swept away and replaced with clean water. The plants are grown in media beds enriched with calculated levels fish-based, high levels of oxygen and nutrients – enhancing capacity and harvests – minimizing land use, degradation, and environmental impact – closed-system, clean-room cultivation versus issues standard farming techniques experience associated with soils, such as: weeds, soil diseases, pests, heavy metals, and other toxicant issues and an often-experienced lack of oxygen or moisture. Plants remove only the nutrient-enriched-water they need for growth.

The Technology of Closed-System, Fish-Nursery-Units (FNUs)

Sample Diagram - Not to Scale - Scales are Tailored
Components to Fishery Nursery Unit (FNU) 

Other Advantages to AquaPonics & Fisheries as part of an Eco Impact Zone Eco-Agri Collaborative:

1) In recirculating fish culture systems, large amounts of water are discharged to prevent nutrient build-up. In AquaPonic systems, these nutrients do not accumulate as they are utilized to produce a valuable second product – the plants. Removal of these nutrients by plants greatly reduces discharges of fish culture water to natural water bodies, which protects our lakes, rivers, and the wider environment from nutrient enrichment and excessive algae growth.

2) Fish excrete ammonia, which is toxic at high levels. A bio filter is required to remove ammonia. In some AquaPonic systems the plants and Hydroponic growing beds become the bio filter, thereby eliminating the need for a separate and expensive bio filter. There are many types of bio filters in the aquaculture industry, but when the Hydroponic growing bed is used for bio filtration it is the only bio filter that earns money.

3) Correctly designed AquaPonic systems are well-balanced ecosystems where the nutrients generated by the fish are absorbed by the plants. There is no need to monitor the numerous water quality parameters as required in separate recirculating fish culture or Hydroponic systems, saving considerable time and expense. AquaPonic systems are therefore robust and very easy to operate and maintain. The average hobbyist or farmer can operate an AquaPonic system quite successfully.

4) The profit potential of commercial AquaPonics is increased due to the availability of free nutrients for the plants, lower water requirements, elimination of a separate bio filter in some AquaPonic design approaches, less water quality monitoring and shared costs for operation and infrastructure. In addition, the plant crops cannot be sprayed with chemical herbicides or pesticides, so they can be marketed as “spray free”, which brings potentially higher profits.

5) Since AquaPonic systems can produce fish and vegetables intensively throughout the year outdoors in suitable climates or in environmentally controlled greenhouses and land requirements are minimal, systems can be located near urban markets, thereby reducing transportation costs and providing fresh, high quality fish and plants. In fact, AquaPonics may be located almost anywhere.

6) AquaPonic systems produce two crops from the one input source; the fish feed. In addition, the vast majority of the nutrients added to the AquaPonics system, via the fish, stay in the system and profitably sustain fish and plant products. This makes AquaPonics far more efficient in terms of nutrient utilization than other farming systems.

Eco-Agri Collaborative Fishery Nursery Unit(s)
More than 1,000,000 Fingerlings 
Powering AquaPonics and Feeding the Under-Served
Sample Illustration - Not to Scale - Scales are TailoredGrouped Agricultural (AquaPonic) Growing Unit(s) (AGUs)
Plug into Micro Enterprise WorldWide Collaborators gathering and forming semi-philanthropic Eco Impact Zones for under-served, friendly Frontier markets.

Friendly Frontier markets seeking "new era" Rural and Urban development enter the Eco Impact Zones, where Entrepreneur and Small Enterprise Trade Zones are developing holistic Eco oriented facilities as part of the many renewables making up an Eco-Agri Collaborative. 

Eco-Agri Collaborative Capital Models are holistically composed of renewable energy facility, Aquaponic (closed system, nutrient rich) Growing Units (AGUs), Fishery (closed system, nurseries) Nursery Units (FNUs)(excrement piped to AGUs), Field Renewables (Bamboo & other low impact renewable crops), Full Security Scope, and full Modality - capable transport & logistics internally and to value chains of future.

Eco Impact Zones are developed to introduce new Eco (ecologically friendly) oriented industries, new era workforces, enhanced access to capital, and the modality required to Eco-Agri Collaborative Logistics/Modality developing alternative trade, ports, and access to other collaborative impact zones.

Specific Scope bid requirements are open for invited collaborating participant sectors to build, operate, transfer, and train the local independent contracting workers in new Eco tech sectors from advanced trained Agri-Techs, Fishery-Techs, Solar-Techs, Communications-Tech, Renewable-Field-Operations-Techs, including advanced training in Eco-Agri security and Eco-Agri logistics techs.

Join in moving the Paradigm forward.  In the developing grid of Micro Enterprise landowners and small farmers of under-served, friendly Frontier markets and find Collaborations Forming Sustainable Micro and Small Enterprise, Full-Scale, Agri/Aquaponic-Renewable Energy-Fish Nurseries-Renewable Grasses Eco Collaborations - the creation of Eco Impact Zones in under-served friendly, frontier markets...help is on the way!

Join with the growing Group of local and private, semi-philanthropic teams - Engaging the paradigm, offering flexibility in both Urban or Rural Financial Structure Planning or Plan(s) (FSP) and enabling the assembly of local and international Eco Impact Zones, building alternative trade routes and new micro capital value chains of the future.

Join in the Paradigm of Enterprise Encouragement, Empowerment, Enablement!  Find Help...in the Zones of Micro Enterprise WorldWide Collaborators and the Semi-Philanthropic development of a growing WorldWide Grid of Micro Economic Corridors and the Power of Eco Collaborations.

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