
Showing posts from January, 2009

Small Enterprise, Model

Small Enterprise, Model Small Enterprise, Model? Beyond the pay-as-you-go small enterprise economic model, small enterprise business models are successful but should be able to stand on at least three pillars - People, Process and Technology! Some Small Enterprise Business Model Pillars: People, includes people in your business and considering the people who are your clients: Develop a culture of mutually beneficial commerce and services; Process, includes fair and equitable process for commercializing your product or service to your market: Develop quality, low cost delivery of products/services at the maximum convenience to your business and market; Technology, includes all low cost delivery, branding and communication tools needed for brand information, ordering, delivery and commerce! Three pillars of successful business models lead to proper selection and implementation of equally successful economic models. Take a small enterprise check up... free register and contact . MyLyma...

Free Enterprise, We Would Get Wormed If We Did That

Free Enterprise, We Would Get Wormed If We Did That Former President Clinton said it best in a recent speech. Clinton remarked about people getting away with behavior that most would be persecuted for. Clinton joked, there was once two bulldogs observing a couple of break dancers; one bulldog remarked to the other, "If we did that they would worm us." Big business, big banking and passive regulators around the World breakdanced for years, stretching working capital beyond business models into credit default swaps and impossible to insure business ventures. The result, a call on the working capital from faulty markets and greed in institutional investors collapsed the working capital and sending a virus into small enterprises collapsing capital and pay-as-you-go business models. If Small Enterprises did that, small enterprises would be more than wormed, it would be closed. Amazement of interests in driving economic recovery from the top down (big business, big bank bailo...

Small Enterprise, Platforms!

Small Enterprise Platforms! Truth! It was the small landing module that finished the journey to the Moon. Thinking and acting in small enterprise is more than a model for establishing commercialization, thinking and acting in small enterprise demands the vision of success. A vision of success is the ability to see through obstacles clearly enough to establish brand, networks, public access and commercialization into your intended market. Small Enterprise Platforms are low cost multi-functional, e-commerce, e-infrastructure, socio/networked domains. Sure it's easier to list offerings on other brand sites but the loss of market identity ends success after each sale. Let's not forget the commission and other charges. Small Enterprise Platforms allow home, small enterprise, small to medium enterprises to develop active and passive commercialization, at your pace, at often less than the cost of sale commission on other sites like Ebay. With so many offerings, and phased options...

Small Medium Enterprise On-Line Marketing - The Path

Small Medium Enterprise On-Line Marketing - The Path Where are you? Small Enterprise On-Line Marketing is a path where home based, entrepreneur small enterprise, small to medium enterprise and enterprise associations can venture out into international footprints. Small enterprise chemical company in Taiwan reaches into a small enterprise jeans washing company in Ecuador, with an exchange of website visits, webmails, sample delivery and then contact with a small enterprise shipping company, a new trade route and small enterprise growth begins. Small enterprise villages in China and Africa exchange products for products and become resellers of products through SMS and mobile phone commerce. Travel enterprises combine with international real estate rentals via the path of Small Medium Enterprise On-Line Marketing. All small enterprise paths begin with an internet presence, low cost branded domains, e-commerce and einfrastructure portals, a path that will soon develop from socio/busine...

Small Enterprise On-Line, WIFI

Small Enterprise On-Line, WIFI! WIFI or wireless access to the much for small enterprise or emerging markets? No, and don't forget it. Africa comes to mind with Google and SMS. WIFI, SMS makes the Internet accessible for small enterprise and home based businesses via cell phones, that's right! Small Enterprise can reach to Africa and more. Google, Africa reports: In Africa, we've learned that mobile phones are easier to get to than internet connections and PCs, and that working towards our mission means working through mobile phones. At the beginning of 2008, there were over a quarter of a billion mobile subscribers on the continent. Mobile penetration has risen from just one in 50 people at the beginning of this century to almost one third of the population today. To that end, we are excited to launch a test of Google SMS Search in Ghana and Nigeria. Google SMS Search provides access to information through a mobile phone without internet. You simply create...

Economy Solution - The U.S. Taxpayer Debt Relief Act of 2009

Get the Economy and Ecommerce Going - Economy Solution - The U.S. Taxpayer Debt Relief Act of 2009 After examining and witnessing the trade offs and reactions to big business and big bank losses, perhaps there is a final solution. Trillions have been poured into big business, big banks and yet these same beneficiaries are now entering civil courts and trampling over the very taxpayers and double-dipping for dollars. Forget the bully pulpits of governors, senators, and representatives…each has a finger in the wind and reacts versus proactively solving. At the risk of over-simplifying…all Government economies should revive economies by going to the very heart of working capital…to the taxpayers and small businesses who are struggling under the weight of taxes, bailing out big business/big banks and shrinking under the latitude of most civil legal proceedings - The Solution! There should be a final solution to this economy mess and it doesn’t solely rest with big business, big banks. T...

Small Enterprise, Get In

Small Enterprise, Get In! In the 20th Century, we faced the Pearl Harbor of economic strife where banks failed, jobs were lost and the scale of entreprenuerism fostered working capital or fair trade in consideration for products and services. Now, driving through the economic malay of big business and big bank credit, Small Enterprise opportunities now drop in to the laps of those seeking working capital. Small enterprise can generate working capital and the cost involved, by paying as you go is more nominal than ever. If you have collectibles, services, products now is the time to get into Small Enterprise. The hobby of selling part time on Ebay, Craig's List proves the opportunity for your products and services to incubate on a 24-hour scale by using the internet. And, now, more than ever, is time to knock out the middle man. Ebay and other such branded re-selling sites, adds a significant commission to anything sold. Using what would be a commission on one product or servi...

Small Enterprise, This Big But Easier Fix

Small Enterprise, This Big But Easier Fix Small Enterprise, easier to fix? Numerous suggestions abound concerning the trends toward big business, big bank functionality and while so many ponder the centralization of monies either by nationalizing or partly nationalizing commerce, the mess and distractions for this malady persist. Yet, with all the emphasis on big business, big bank commerce and markets, no authority denies the greater impact of commerce fix lies at the small enterprise and home-based (taxpayer) level. With home based and entreprenuerial small enterprise growth, pay-as-you-go capability with low cost ecommerce and e-infrastructure breaks market boundaries and is policed by daily credibility in socio/business networks, micro-business philanthroper affiliation and both combination of culture and commerce. Working capital for pay-as-you-go, home based and small enterprise expansion depleted significantly with the benefit of capital shifting to institutions and private...

Small Enterprise, Economic Recovery Up Here

Small Enterprise, Economic Recovery Up Here Small Enterprise drives economies in emerging and developed markets. Yes, the need existed for several cooperating markets to "bailout" the big business models connecting our markets. Now, it's time to return to the driver of economies as small enterprise models function across all markets when capable to operate on a pay-as-you-go commerce capability. Pay-as-you-go, commercialization at the small enterprise level should be re-thought to become the measurement of economic success in connecting our markets. In order for small enterprise development to develop global socio/business platforms with brand and multi-cultural commercialization, working capital must be returned through the removal of general debt of up to $25.000 per enterprise. Impacting this this opportunity is the willingness of both government and creditors to dictate this immediately and at a scale necessary to absorb. Those most seriously interested in small ...

Small Enterprise, Imagine and Commercialize

Small Enterprise, Imagine and Commercialize - Small Enterprise as small as one Imagine opening a box from your attic and finding rare, collectibles of toys. So many toys are in this box, if you sold one toy a month for months on end, you would begin a small enterprise with working capital. Small enterprise no longer is defined as the size of a business, number of employees nor by credit. Small enterprise is defined as few as one person, able to commercialize their product or service and creating working capital and pay-as-you-go commerce. No longer do you Ebay your enterprise collectibles. Small business platforms with ecommerce, e-infrastructures and socio/business networking promotes small enterprise and actively permits branding at a small enterprise level. Business philanthropers and business assistance incubators like Group offer low cost platforms and domain branding, along with market tagging and promotion throughout the INEToSphere! Small Enterprise, Imagine ...

Obama He Must Succeed But What Message Is He Sending

Obama He Must Succeed But What Message Is He Sending No matter what your enterprise or party affiliation is, Obama must succeed if we are to succeed, but what message is he sending? Starting his term somewhat in entrepreneurial style, Obama sells exclusive rights to HBO. The WhiteHouse is for sale. You got to give him credit. This guy knows how to raise money and he starts where he began, the silly comedians of Hollywood and the drug-phased rockers and activists are all merging on the cable channel to tout their messiah...but regular Americans it will cost you. That's right, on Sunday, the day before Martin Luther King day and two days before assuming the Presidency of the United States, the socio/political uninformed are selling the Presidency on the cable HBO channel. If you wanted to see Obama...well, you got to pay the cable pig! And, god bless him, Obama steps beyond the comedy channel and NBC and goes cable with exclusive rights to the WhiteHouse given to the HBO chann...

Funny World - Small Enterprise

Funny World - Small Enterprise When you think there is nothing funny anymore, just take a look at the good things on the net! The big names like Google, Yahoo, Facebook and large institutions are all looking over their shoulder! As small enterprises click along with home based operations, small enterprise development and pay-as-you-go business models, it's a funny world to see even banking institutions and educational institutions who dominated in credit and speculating over outstanding deals to see how big business models are triping over themselves to find out how they can get bailouts. Funny even more are the members of governments around the World who are dumping more dollars to bad. Million dollar mansions, million dollar assets are below their values, yet they keep throwing dollars to bad business models. When and if, governments and the distant politicians start using their bully pulpit to advance small enterprise models with funding over big business models, perhaps we w...

Loan Modifications - Working Capital and Helping People In Need

Loan Modifications - Working Capital and Helping People In Need With the unwillingness of Banks and Creditors to help people in need, despite the U.S. Congress dumping enormous amounts of cash infusions, alternative means of forcing or working on loan modifications are in demand. Unfortunately, loan modifications are needed for home businesses, self-employed, non-employed, small enterprises and even small to medium enterprises. So, where else can one go to search and seek advocates for change who dedicate their experience to create alternatives? Group continues to search for options for all of us! Should you, your friend or even your enterprise need help and want to look into options Group suggests - the MYHELP LINK! Nothing like having one more option for help in loan modifications and create some working capital and helping people in need! Visit the MYHELP LINK!

Small Enterprise Internet Superman

Small Enterprise Internet Superman What was it that attracted every young person's attention? It's a bird, it's a plane,'s Superman! Layoffs, loss of retirement funds, working capital shortage...Small Enterprise Internet Superman! Many former retirees, persons who lost savings, and small to medium enterprises are scratching for ways to create income and working capital. Most persons are familiar with Ebay and other such auction sites, where inventory or collectibles could be showcased for good dollars. Now, with so many searching for good prices and lots of inventory competing the prices are competing to drive down value. Houses once placed on Real Estate sites for decent dollars, are all being devalued. The value for small enterprise competition comes with branding and the operation of low cost internet sites that permit branding and the uniqueness of goods and services. What was once too costly, to complicated and not worth one's while is now at smal...

Bush Jr. The Most Failed Republican President of Our Lifetime

Bush Jr. The Most Failed Republican President of Our Lifetime Incompetence Killed the Economy and Retarded Small Enterprise For those who may read this, some may say well this comes from a partisan democrat! Not true, full disclosure requires that I reveal a lifelong commitment to Republican ideology of self-reliance, fairness and small government. So, there you go. Today, Bush Jr., stood before cameras and ignorant press corps to reveal that Bush knows that history will prove his value! One of the most self-serving, moronic, ludicrous press conferences in history. This arrogant, poorly advised, Bush stood before Americans and said, I did a good job. Poop! Sure, as President he continued the national security but what a failure in regulations and in steering the economy. Bush Jr., next to Jimmy Carter, is truly the worst President of our lifetime. Let's visit Energy Policies...failed and hurt the American people while commodity future traders raped the nation. Let's vi...

Where Small Enterprises Stand! Ingenuity & Socio/Business Relations

Where Small Enterprises Stand! Ingenuity & Socio/Business Relations As one of many advocates for small enterprise development and commercialization, in this time of global economic strife, socio/business networking provides the platform for limber ingenuity of small enterprise business models. In Western culture, there is an old competitive game known as "musical chairs." This game requires that chairs be placed in a tight circle, backs to one another. There is always one less chair than the total competitors, and a chair is removed as a competitor is eliminated. A song is played and the competitors circle the chairs, following one another, until suddenly the music stops. Once the music stops, each competitor standing in front of a chair sits. The song will be stopped suddenly so no competitor has a position advantage, and one competitor will not have a seat and is eliminated. The elimination of competitors and the removal of chairs continues until the last two co...

Yeah Yeah But Who Are Socio/Business Networkers?

Yeah Yeah But Who Are Socio/Business Networkers? Yes, with all the talk of 'socio/business' networking (not 'social' or 'business' networking)..., "socio/business networking" and its discussions on bringing small enterprise models into international footprints with the ability of technology and and development of cultural associations, "Who Are Socio/Business Networkers?" From personal experience, including more than 20 years of national and international business and strategic alliances development, my opinion defines "socio/business networkers" as enterprise entrepreneurs with the following cultural similarities: - Good will is mutual - Family is the first priority - Enjoys a philanthropic dream - Cares for the future of good culture and our children - Pay-as-you-go business model oriented - Never limited by effort nor determination to succeed - Values and Practices My Opinion perhaps yet supported by many mentions of blog salutes...

Socio/Business Networking Etiquette

Socio/Business Networking Etiquette As socio/business networking platforms develop for small enterprise development, key differences between social networking and business networking are blurred when approaching "socio/business" networking. Understanding key differences between social and business networking as compared to socio/business networking are worthy of note. Social Networking generally relates to discussions on cultural to political topics, blogs and marketing; thus, social networking draws like-minded persons to topics less related to enterprise and more related to cultural sharing. Various social platforms are developing, yet most are age-group related or multi-level marketing related. Social networking often provides very little opportunity to network for enterprise development and often involves passive exchange of information. Business Networking generally relates to discussions on business growth and many are specific to industry. Business networking often ...

Nothing But Net for Small Enterprise Development

Nothing But Net for Small Enterprise Development Small Enterprise Development via the "Net" (Internet and platforms) provides the ideal business model for small enterprise development. Large businesses are clamoring for the Internet Door, beefing up their brands and spreading them across social networks. Would you believe large corporations are breeding on social networks like Facebook or perhaps setting up their own industry social networks. Take Northrup Grumman and its new socio/business web platform. As these giants try to re-vitalize commercialization of products and services, small enterprise development can oust big business with small business models. With pay-as-you-go as the guide for small enterprise growth, socio/business networks allow small enterprise development with "nothing but net." Enhancing business incubation, brand testing, commercializing of products and services, socio/business networks provide the small enterprise with both passive and...

Harry Reid U.S. Politics Small Enterprise Views The Kids On Capital Hill

Harry Reid U.S. Politics Small Enterprise Views The Kids On Capital Hill As 2009 Rings the Bell for the start of a new year for small enterprise, Government led by Senator Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi conduct business like kids on Capital Hill. From racial arguments within the Democratic Party and corruption allegations throughout the Democratic Party and indictments expected, U.S. Politics is as organized as a general collective discussing life on Facebook. Billions of dollars needed for large banking institutions, insurance institutions, auto institutions, auto-labor institutions and now bailout billions for broken, Democratically controlled States? No problem, according to Reid and Pelosi. Meanwhile, small enterprises creep along on a pay-as-you-go basis and fear the next facebook discussion amongst Democractic leadership that create further imbalance of business and justice for most entrepreneurs trying to be competitive against Government backed competition. Once there was a fea...

Small Business Small Enterprise Socio/Business Laptop

Small Business Small Enterprise Socio/Business Laptop Small Enterprises, Start-Ups, Home to Medium Enterprises and Associations can now call their Laptop for Socio/Business Enterprise Building. Entrepreneurs and Medium Enterprises are on the move from home and while traveling. While small enterprises like AusomeAire (a green development in energy startup) searches for market opportunities, agents are linking customers and relations on socio/business networks. Socio/Business networks are advancing and permitting contact management, content sharing, and developing networking groups for markets interested in Green Energy Technologies. Socio/Business networking platforms provide the reach and frequency of reach to invited, like-minded social/business networks and adding a cultural flair of polling and advancing market interests and success. Small Business Small Enterprises are both active and passively reaching new markets from their laptops! Search and join for market incubation, gro...

Big Business Closings Puts Home and Small Enterprise in Lead

Big Business Closings Puts Home and Small Enterprise in Lead Small Enterprises entering 2009 have the advantage over big business models as store closings make small business models better. From Department Stores to High Tech Electronic storefronts, from large corporate offices to strip malls store fronts are closing and massively unloading inventory. Rating agencies, like Moody's, valued IPO's and financial business models as the most sound in 2008 and prior. As the bell tolls for those reading the rating agency meters, small enterprise models built from the ground up are outshining and bursting into the On-Line market. A small enterprise? Take one model. Small Enterprise start up, required self design, letter authorizations, and small inventory caps. With the cost of inventory lower and little to no operating costs, novel sports clothing apparel can launch products on-line and reach greater audiences without fear of collapsing storefronts. High tech, low cost answers abo...